PERMANENT OBSCURITY - A Novel About Life Is Nowhere
Enduring OBSCURITY: Or A Cautionary Tale to Two Girls and Their Misadventures with Drugs, Pornography and Death by Dolores Santana (as told to Richard Perez) As the long, unforgiving title of this unique proposes, this is a faint, bonehead spoof/spoof, both soiled and hopeless, including two energetic, disgusting women with innovative dreams, and a crazy, essentially illusory caper immersed with the production of a BDSM "femdom" film to deal with a couple of low-level lawbreakers/road drug specialists. It's a profane and stunning piece of work, regardless, sickening in parts, sure to thoroughly alienate the Oprah Book swarm with its glaring excusal for standard American characteristics; and the two legends, Dolores and Serena, cheerfully wild, both to the extent that direct and substance abuse. While never seeing itself pompously, this novel by Richard Perez truly covers a lot of serious ground (especially in the underlying section of the book), including certifie...